Two years ago, I knew I needed a change. I had been an elementary school librarian for 16 years and had created some of the most remarkable programs the district had seen. My school loved me, my kids loved me, people e-mailed me for advice, shadowed me and contracted me to teach them. I was a "node of expertise" that people sought.
I thought, "Okay, done this. Now what?" So I started looking for a new position in the district.
I applied for a high school position, which I didn't get. Initially disappointed, I realized this horizontal change would simply be more of the same. Work with kids (cool), design great programs (fun but demanding on my personal time), and make the same pay, (not enough to live comfortably in South Florida).
In library media world, I applied for a Specialist 1 position, which I also did not get but that's cool - the person who got it is amazing. But still, working 12 months a year instead of my 196 days for less pay per hour - not appealing.
The only way "up" is through the admin track, which I do not want. Being an assistant principal and principal just does not seem like fun.
There was simply no place vertical for me to go.
In a fit of frustration, I looked into PhD programs. And stumbled on ISTL - Instructional Systems and Technology Learning, What the heck is that? I still don't quite know how to answer, but I do know what I want to do... I think.
So, how will ISTL change your life?
- ISTL allows you to break the chains of your career - Unlike any degree I researched, ISTL is "gender neutral." You don't have to stay chained to K-12 education, or higher ed, or for whatever your previous education qualified you. Instructional designers are needed EVERYWHERE: business, military, government. Subject Matter Experts mean you don't need to know the industry... more chains. You need to know learning.
2. ISTL teaches you how to participate in the digital world. Ok, we all should research Web 2.0 communication and just do it. But, many of us need a swift kick in the a**. In the last 8 weeks I have learned Web 2.0 skills that put me in contact with experts so I can break those chains. I also have learned how I can capitalize on the library media knowledge and network I currently possess.
3. ISTL is multinational. If you think education is dominated by females, you should attend a school librarian conference. We are mostly white, middle aged, females, from Florida... with a love for technology. (Please don't be offended). I LOVE how ISTL is comprised of people from around the world, who post comments from China, Spain, every state in the US. I needed a good dose of globalism.
I don't usually write blogs this long. Thank you for sticking with me as I reflect on my "Choice to take a chance that will change my life!"
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